Worldwide leading manufacturer for FTTH passive components.

Global patchcord OEM / ODM supplier



+ 86-755-29526184

Fax:+ 86-755-83270814

Post Code:518131

Address: No.2, 4th Floor, Longhua Car Plaza, Huanan Road, Minzhi Community, Longhua New District, Shenzhen, China.

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The backbone project of France

In April. 2011, Orange Telecom launched telecom projects in France and we participated and by submitting our certificate and samples then factory auditing ,we are the Number two suppliers for this backbone projects which totally amounted to 15 million Euro.

Tags:optichina, delivery of quality patch cord, pigtail,plc splitter, connector, adapter, attenuator, plc, closure, optic panel, ftth box, optic cable